Prerequisite: This course is for students who have successfully completed three years of math to meet the graduation requirements. Students who earn a grade of C- or better will obtain a portability code on their transcript.
Grade: 12
Semester: 1
Credits: .5
This STEM-driven, function-based approach to introductory college algebra includes linear, polynomial, rational, radical, and exponential functions. Many phenomena in the world around us can be modeled with functions, so this course takes a more deliberate approach to these understandings. While this course is designed for students who intend to enter a career field of science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics, it will also benefit students that will use similar skills (additional related careers can be found in health care, information technology, business management, and administration, etc.).
This course meets the state requirement to allow entry into a 100 college-level math class, without a STEM focus. A student needs to earn a C- or higher to meet this state requirement.