ULTIMA Social Studies

Grade Level: 9-12 – IEP Decision Semesters: 1 Credits: .5   The students will explore the history of the United States and the role government plays in their lives.  The class will give the students an opportunity to learn the geography of

Instructional Math

Department: Special Education Session 1 & 2 Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to improve mathematical skills at the level the student has progressed to.

Instructional English

Department:  Special Education Session 1 & 2 Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to improve the writing and reading skills. It will advance listening, speaking, thinking, composition, and vocabulary skills through literature and the writing process.


Department: Social Studies Session 1 & 2 Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: None Students will apply to analyze economic problems in the past and present and use possible solutions to predict the future. The course will also provide students with a multitude

American Government

Department: Social Studies Session 1 & 2 Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: None Students will learn the principles of American Government and the political processes at the local, state and national levels of government. They will be expected to participate in various


Department: Science Session 1 & 2 Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Chemistry & Advanced Algebra This lab-based course will further build upon students’ understanding of the physical sciences. Students in Physics will focus on the key concepts of forces and their interactions,


Department: Physical Education Session 1 & 2 Grade 10 -12 Prerequisite: Recovery Only Students participate in a variety of recreational and competitive activities that include instruction in game skills and rules, team work development and lifetime fitness. The program focus

Consumer Mathematics

Department: Mathematics Session 1 & 2 Grade 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of 2 years of high school math Students will learn concepts and problem solving techniques necessary to successfully deal with consumer and career applications.

Consumer Economics

Department: Family & Consumer Science Session 1 & 2 Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: None Students will learn and be able to perform life skills such as goal setting, calculating paychecks, filing tax forms, opening and utilizing bank accounts, researching investments, budgeting,

Senior English (Basic)

Department: English Session 1 & 2 Grade 12 Prerequisite: Recovery Only Students will read with greater comprehension, write with increased clarity, and be more technologically literate. This course focuses on a year-long study of literature that includes the reading and