College Preparatory Writing

Department: English Session 2 Grade 12 Prerequisite: American Literature This course addresses the grade 12 benchmarks of the Common Core State English/Language Arts Writing, Speech, and Language Standards through the study and extensive practice of a variety of writing structures,

Contemporary Literature

Department: English Session 1 Grade 12 Prerequisite: American Literature This course addresses the grade 12 benchmarks of the Common Core State English/Language Arts Reading Standards through the study of American and world literature from 1960 to the present. Students will

Word Application

Department: Business Session 1 Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to enable students to develop skills necessary to become technologically proficient in the operation of a computer.  Keyboarding is a crucial component and skills are reinforced for both

Art & Design

Department:  Art Session 1 Grades: 9-12 Prerequisite: None Students will learn the language of the arts through the study and creation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional design and its relationship to the history of art and cultures.

Graphic Arts

Department:  Applied Technology Session 1 Grades 9-12 Prerequisite:  None Students will be introduced to areas of graphic arts, career paths in graphic arts, the use of numerous software tools, and the use of digital cameras and scanners.  The student will

Swim Guard

Prerequisite: Lifeguard Training or Division Chair Approval Grade Level: 10-12  Semesters: 1 (may be repeated) Credit: 0.5 This is a non-athletic/activity waiver course. Students will be applying knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to


Grade Level: IEP Decision Grade: 9-12 Semesters: 1 Credit: 0.5 PEOPEL (Physical Education Opportunity Program for the Exceptional Learner) is an inclusive class that partners PEOPEL Tutors with students who have special needs. The classes offer a variety of sports

Music, Technology and Business 1

Grade Level: 9-12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 Students will learn recording techniques, both live and track by track, recording applications to a computer (effects/signal processing), microphone use, sound reinforcement, application of sound effects and samples, audio editing, and audio editing

AP Biology

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology and Chemistry, or preferably Honors Biology and Honors Chemistry. Grade Level: 11-12 Semesters: 2 Credits 1 AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course, where students investigate core scientific principles, theories, and processes that govern

Driver Education

Grade: 10-12 Prerequisite:  Passing grade in eight or more courses during the previous two semesters; successful completion of permit and vision examinations Age Requirements:  15 years of age by 1st day of class for the semester Fees:  $150 course fee and