Career Planning

Prerequisite: None Grade Level: 9-12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 What do you want to be when you grow up? Students will explore their own interests, aptitudes, and abilities and see how they relate to particular careers. Through project-based learning, students

Advertising Art

Prerequisite: None Grade Level: 9-12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 Students will learn to solve design problems that are relevant to advertising and marketing industries. The course will include projects that practice color theory and use the elementary principles of design.

Art & Design

Prerequisite: None Grade Level: 9-12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 Students will learn the language of the arts through the study and creation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional designs and their relationship to the history of art and cultures.

Auto Body 2

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Auto Body 1 Grade Level: 9 -12 Semesters: 1 (2 periods) Credits: 1 Students will develop the technical knowledge and skills required to enter the field of Auto Body Repair. Areas of study include advanced tools and

Auto Body 1

Prerequisite: None Grade Level: 9-12 Semesters: 1 Credit: .05 Students will develop knowledge and skills in the care of automobiles. All areas of auto body and refinishing work are covered, including welding, body tools, straightening, surface preparation, minor repairs, painting,