Grade Level: 9-12 – IEP Decision Semesters: 1 Credits: .5 The students will explore the history of the United States and the role government plays in their lives. The class will give the students an opportunity to learn the geography of
Reading Skills
Department: Transition courses are designed for incoming 9th grade students that need additional support or course work in order to be successful at the high school level. These classes are offered at each campus, students should register with the School’s
Instructional Math
Department: Special Education Session 1 & 2 Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to improve mathematical skills at the level the student has progressed to.
Instructional English
Department: Special Education Session 1 & 2 Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to improve the writing and reading skills. It will advance listening, speaking, thinking, composition, and vocabulary skills through literature and the writing process.
Department: Science Session 1 & 2 Grade 9 Prerequisite: 8th Grade Placement This lab-based course will build upon students’ understanding of life and its processes. Students in Biology will focus on the key concepts of structures and their processes, ecosystems
Department: Mathematics Session 1 & 2 Grade 9-10 Prerequisite: 8th Grade Placement Students will study linear equations and inequalities, graphs, systems of linear equations, rational and irrational expressions, solving quadratic equations by factoring, probability, data analysis, and application problems. This
Consumer Economics
Department: Family & Consumer Science Session 1 & 2 Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: None Students will learn and be able to perform life skills such as goal setting, calculating paychecks, filing tax forms, opening and utilizing bank accounts, researching investments, budgeting,
Freshman English
Department: English Session 1 & 2 Grades: 9 Prerequisite: Recovery Only This course addresses the grade 9 benchmarks of the Common Core State English/Language Arts Standards. Students will develop their skills through an integrated study of literature, nonfiction, writing, research, and
Word Application
Department: Business Session 1 Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to enable students to develop skills necessary to become technologically proficient in the operation of a computer. Keyboarding is a crucial component and skills are reinforced for both
Art & Design
Department: Art Session 1 Grades: 9-12 Prerequisite: None Students will learn the language of the arts through the study and creation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional design and its relationship to the history of art and cultures.