Calculus 3 & Linear Algebra

Prerequisite:  An earned 3, 4, or 5 on AP Calculus BC Exam or a B or higher in a college or university credit in Calculus I and Calculus II Grade Level: 11-12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 This yearlong course is


Prerequisite: This course is for students who have successfully completed three years of math and meet the requirements to take a 100-level college math class. Grade Level: 12Semesters: 1Credits: .5 Students will explore right triangle trigonometry, as well as trigonometric

Probability and Statistics

Prerequisite: This course is for students who have successfully completed three years of math and meet the requirements to take a 100-level college math class. Grade Level: 12Semesters: 1Credits: .5 Students will be introduced to modern statistics and probability theory

Functions and Modeling

Prerequisite: This course is for students who have successfully completed three years of math to meet the graduation requirements. Students who earn a grade of C- or better will obtain a portability code on their transcript.Grade: 12Semester: 1Credits: .5 This

Applied Mathematics

Prerequisite: This course is for students who have successfully completed three years of math to meet the graduation requirements. Students who earn a grade of C- or better will obtain a portability code on their transcript. Grade Level: 12Semesters: 1Credits:

AP Computer Science Principles

Grade: 9-12 Semester: 2 Prerequisite: None The AP Computer Science Principles course is designed to be equivalent to a first-semester introductory college computing course.  In this course, students will develop computational thinking skills vital for success across all disciplines, such

Math 3

Prerequisite: Math 2 Grade Level 11-12 Semester: 2 Credit: 1 Math 3 will integrate and apply the mathematics they have learned from their earlier courses. This course includes standards from the conceptual categories of Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions(Rational, Logarithmic,

Math 2

Prerequisites: Math 1 Grade Level: 10 Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Math 2 topics include quadratic expressions, equations, and functions; comparing their characteristics and behavior to those of linear and exponential relationships from Math I. This course includes standards from the

Consumer Mathematics

Department: Mathematics Session 1 & 2 Grade 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of 2 years of high school math Students will learn concepts and problem solving techniques necessary to successfully deal with consumer and career applications.


Department: Mathematics Session 1 & 2 Grade 10-11 Prerequisite: Algebra Students will study the elements of a geometric system. All standard Euclidean topics are covered. First semester emphasizes the logic and reasoning patterns of proof. Second semester emphasizes algebraic applications