Prerequisite: Successful completion of Fashion and Interior Design 1 Grade Level: 9 – 12 Semesters: 1 Credit: 0.5 Students will be involved in a variety of individual assignments intended to foster creativity and critical thinking in fashion and interior design
Fashion and Interior Design 1
Grade Level: 9 – 12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 Fashion and Interior Design is a hands-on, project-based class for students who are interested in fashion and/or interior design. This course will include projects to practice principles and elements, fashion design
Fashion 1
Grade Level: 9-12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 Students will learn to use the sewing machine and basic sewing equipment. Beginning sewing skills are introduced through the construction of projects and garments. Students will explore basic textiles, design principles, pattern alterations,
Sophomore Academic English
Prerequisite: Freshman English Grade: 10 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 The course includes reading, oral presentations, and writing essays. The skills are derived from literature, everyday experience, and consideration for future goals. The development of thinking skills and problem-solving will be
Reading Instruction 3/4
Grade Level: IEP Decision Grade 11-12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Students will continue to improve their skills in understanding both what they read and how they read it. Students will also continue to learn how and when to apply reading
Reading Instruction 2
Grade Level: Completion of Reading 1 and/or IEP Decision Grade 10 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Individualized or small-group instruction may be utilized. Areas of study include word attack skills, utilization of context clues, identifying and sequencing main ideas and listening
Reading Instruction 1
Grade Level: IEP Decision Grade: 9 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 This course is designed to meet the needs of students based on the IEP team’s recommendation. This course will focus on comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary. A variety of reading strategies
Culinary Arts 1
Prerequisite: None Grade Level: 9-12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 Students will study safety and sanitation, identification and use of equipment, preparation methods and standards of food production, and basic study of fundamental principles of nutrition. Students will prepare food weekly
Adult Living
Prerequisite: none Grade Level: 11-12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 Students will learn basic concepts of psychology and sociology to help students cope with everyday life and improve their relationships with others. They will examine issues affecting their current and future
EL English 1
Grade Level: 9-12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 This is an English class for students who are new to the United States and for whom English is a new language. The focus of this class is on listening, speaking, reading, and