AP United States History

Prerequisite: DC approval or teacher recommendation Grade Level: 11-12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Students will learn analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in United States history. Students will learn to assess historical

AP World History

Prerequisite: DC approval or teacher recommendation Grade Level: 9 -12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 A college-level reading and writing intensive course focused on the political, social, and governmental structures, economic systems, and major religions of areas throughout the world in

United States History

Prerequisite: American Government Grade Level: 11 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Students will learn the history of the United States from the Colonial period to present day. This history includes, but is not limited to, the roles and contributions of a

AP Psychology

Prerequisite: DC approval or teacher recommendation Grade Level: 11-12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Students will learn the science of Psychology. This course follows the College Board’s Advanced Placement curriculum and as such is extremely rigorous and fast-paced. Students may receive college credit

AP Human Geography

Prerequisite: DC approval or teacher recommendation Grade Level: 9 -12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 This course is designed for students reading above grade level and who have demonstrated high levels of academic achievement in junior high/middle school. The purpose of

AP European History

Prerequisite: DC approval or teacher recommendation Grade Level: 10-12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Students will be introduced and exposed to historical topics, writings, and conflicting interpretations of issues in European History from 1450 to the present. This course follows the

AP Microeconomics

Prerequisite: DC approval or teacher recommendation Grade Level: 10-12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 Students will gain a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to the functions of individual decision-makers, both consumers and producers, within the larger economic

AP Macroeconomics

Prerequisite: DC approval or Teacher Recommendation Grade Level: 10-12 Semesters: 1 Credits: 0.5 Students will gain a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. Such a course places particular emphasis on

AP United States Government and Politics*

Prerequisite: DC approval or teacher recommendationGrade Level: 10-12Semesters: 1Credits: 0.5 Students will learn through an analytical perspective approach to government and politics in the United States. This course involves both the study of general concepts used in U.S. politics and

AP Physics C – Mechanics/Electricity & Magnetism

Prerequisite: Successful completion of AP Physics 1 and at least concurrent enrollment in AP Calculus BC. Grade Level: 12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 AP Physics C: Mechanics is a calculus-based, college-level physics course. It covers kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion;